General Tips:
- Get plenty of sleep the night before. Lack of adequate rest the night before will affect your efficiency.
- Relax--too much worry and anxiety is neither necessary nor helpful.
- Mobilize your self-confidence; be positive, your attitude is important!
- Report illness, excessive fatigue, or other conditions that would be a hindrance, prior to beginning the test.
- Take care of any personal needs before the testing begins.
Specific Tips:
- Listen carefully to the oral directions that are given to you.
- Read the General Instructions carefully and follow them exactly.
- Instructions for each part of the examination must be read and interpreted within given time limits.
- The directions are simple and should be read quickly, but be sure you understand how to proceed within the particular section.
- Plan for maximum use of the time allotted for each part of the examination.
- Read the questions carefully. Work rapidly, answer as many questions as possible.
- Do not waste time puzzling over a difficult question.
- While the test questions are arranged in approximate order of difficulty, some earlier questions may be more difficult for you than later ones.
- When you have finished the easier questions, if there is time left, go back to any question you may have skipped in that part of the examination.
- Indiscriminate guessing does not pay off. An educated, reasoned guess may be worthwhile, however, random guessing is not recommended.
- If you change an answer to a question, be sure the change is justified.
- Each correct answer receives one point. Incorrect or blank answers do not receive any points.