Available Tests

  • PSB tests are designed exclusively for healthcare education programs. All examination content is carefully tested and proven to be effective.
  • PSB tests give healthcare programs detailed, unbiased, and culturally minimized information about prospective students. Our tests measure prospective students’ specific developed abilities, knowledge, and skills, not an oblique measure of abstract psychological traits.
  • PSB tests provide straightforward, flexible testing of individuals or groups, via electronic or paper media, and at the time of your choice.
  • PSB tests are comprehensively analytically standardized by using a reliable representative sample of applicants for admission to the given health profession program.
  • PSB tests measure the abilities, skills, knowledge, and attitudes vital to successful performance in the health education program for which the examination was designed.
  • PSB tests have carefully established criterion related (predictive) validity and reliability which has been continuously demonstrated through actual use of the tests.
  • PSB tests are a reliable aid in successful student selection.
  • PSB tests provide instructive supplemental materials, available free from our web site, designed to help the examinee prepare for the examination and provide information regarding interpretation of the test results.
  • PSB tests prepare individual reports providing examination users with an easily understood, graphic portrayal of applicants’ measured readiness or suitability for instruction in the health professions education program for which the examination was designed. Interpretation of the scores is simple and easy to understand.
  • PSB tests prepare group reports providing examination users with an easily usable comparison listing of applicant test results.

Aptitude for Practical Nursing Examination

PSB’s Aptitude for Practical Nursing Examination is the result of requirements and needs expressed by education professionals responsible for preparing qualified, competent practical and vocational nurses. The examination addresses the required pre-requisite and acquired educational achievements commensurate with the objectives of the career preparation program for practical or vocational nursing and can predict an individual’s readiness and capability for successful completion of the educational program designed to prepare the qualified practical or vocational nurse. It comprises five separate tests that measure abilities, skills, knowledge and attitudes important for success in the program and career choice.

More detailed information about the PSB Aptitude for Practical Nursing Examination

Health Occupations Aptitude Examination

The PSB Health Occupations Aptitude Examination is selectively normed on applicants for admission to all of the various health care career choices and can predict an individual’s readiness and capability for successful completion of the educational program designed to prepare qualified health care personnel. The examination addresses required pre-requisite and acquired educational achievements commensurate with the objectives of the preparation program. It comprises five separate tests that measure abilities, skills, knowledge and attitudes important for success in the program and career choice.

More detailed information about the PSB Health Occupations Aptitude Examination

Registered Nursing School Aptitude Examination

PSB’s Registered Nursing School Aptitude Examination documents the educational achievements necessary for the professional nursing preparation program. It comprises five separate tests that measure abilities, skills, knowledge and attitudes important for success in the program and career choice and can predict an individual’s readiness and capability for successful completion of the educational program designed to prepare the qualified professional nurse. The PSB Registered Nursing School Aptitude Examination, although developed to measure readiness for instruction in professional nursing, can also be used for other purposes such as placement, counseling, and curriculum planning.
More detailed information about the PSB Registered Nursing School Aptitude Examination will be shown by clicking here

More detailed information about the PSB Registered Nursing School Aptitude Examination

Reading Comprehension Examination

PSB’s Reading Comprehension Examination is designed to measure a student’s understanding of what he or she has read. Knowledge of a student’s reading comprehension level gives educators insight into a student’s learning methods and helps predict the student’s adjustment reactions in the learning process and learning situations. It serves as a valuable adjunct to other modes of testing, since many failures of bright, motivated, energetic students may be attributed to poor reading comprehension skills. The results can be helpful in providing insight into the student’s academic performance difficulties and determining need for counseling or remediation.